Company Profile 公司简介

MOTIONSMART PRECISION (HK) CO., LIMITED was registered in Hong Kong from February 23, 2016, which is the sister company of Motionsmart Precision Technology Co., Ltd. registered in Shanghai. The 90% share holder of Motionsmart Precision Technology Co., Ltd., Mr. Lei Shen, holds 100% share of MOTIONSMART PRECISION (HK) CO., LIMITED. Our office address is RM 4, 16/F, HO KING COMM CTR, 2-16 FA YUEN ST, MONGKOK, KOWLOON, HK, CHINA.


The business of MOTIONSMART PRECISION (HK) CO., LIMITED is to work as distributor and reseller, to import from Europe / USA or other countries, and to export to the end users in mainland China. This is mainly due to the very special duty-free policy in mainland China that if the scientific institutes or universities purchase goods shipped from Hong Kong, the duty-free can be applied. But if our base company Motionsmart Precision Technology Co., Ltd. purchase directly and resell to end user in mainland China, the duty-free will not be applicable. Some of our products will be shipped directly from manufacturer to mainland China. Other than above business scope we haven’t setup any other business for MOTIONSMART PRECISION (HK) CO., LIMITED. The service and technical support will be provided by the team from Motionsmart Precision Technology Co., Ltd. located in Shanghai.





Application of measuring machine tool parameter


Application of diffraction in beam line – ESRF


Application of KB mirror multi-axis adjusting – ESRF